Roses are red. At least the ones we found growing on the bush behind our house. I first noticed the pretty flowers back in June …
Mercy or Grace? Which Would You Choose?
Indian River has several ice cream shops, and I recommend you try them all. Summer is here a little while longer, and we should …
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Like Riding A Bike
I’ve been riding my bike a little bit this summer. Just to and from the church, a five mile round trip. The route is the same from …
When Little Is Much
We’ve heard it said, “good things come in small packages.” Yes, bigger is not always better. Sometimes it’s a little thing that …
What’s In A Name
Dale Carnegie said, “a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” Our name stands for …
Read A Classic
My mentor is fond of saying, “A ‘classic’ is a book no one reads anymore.” When a great piece of writing first circulates, it …