Only Christ is Perfect
I learned one very important phrase on a missions trip to Mexico: Solo Cristo es perfecto. It means, “Only Christ is perfect.” Only Him. We try our best to reach
Let Freedom Ring
It is with great joy we celebrate our freedom over this July 4th holiday. Northern Michigan is an exceptionally beautiful place to enjoy the festivities of national independence. I hope
To The Class of ’23
Way to go, Graduates! You did it. All those tests and projects are finished. Your hard work and perseverance paid off, and we celebrate your accomplishments with you. Graduation is
Memorial Day
Three rusty nails rest quietly on my desk. They’re the square kind, pulled from a board in my office that’s more than a hundred years old. According to
Church Body
The apostle Paul likens the church to a body: many parts all working together to form a single being. We read in 1 Corinthians 12:14, “the body does not consist of one
Close Doesn’t Count
I woke up early one Tuesday morning with a nagging pain in my right side. I knew immediately the cause: horseshoes. I had enjoyed a friendly match of horseshoes at