Berean Belief
Buying a home is such a serious commitment, you really have to thoroughly examine a house before signing that purchase agreement. When my wife and I were first-time homebuyers, someone
Return Home
When you’re tired from being out working or shopping or traveling, it’s refreshing to return home. I thought of this in light of Israel’s Old Testament prophets,
Suffer and Serve
In any ministry we undertake for the Lord, we do it for His glory and leave the results to Him. In the Book of Acts we see two men speak
Fresh Start
Are you ready to make a fresh start in 2022? I’m not talking about goals and resolutions but a whole new way of life. Let’s stop living in regret
Out With The Old?
“Out with the old; in with the new,” they say. Well, not so fast. The new isn’t always better. My mentor, Pastor Dave, he likes to put it: “out