Eph. 1:3-6 “Chosen And Adopted by the Father” Ephesians 1:3-6 We should burst out in praise to our God who delights to save us and make us His own sons and daughters. …Continue Reading about Eph. 1:3-6 “Chosen And Adopted by the Father”
Eph. 1:1-2 “A Look Into Ephesians” Ephesians 1:1-2 To gain a better understanding of the letter to the Ephesians, we first learn what we can from Acts 19. Ephesus …Continue Reading about Eph. 1:1-2 “A Look Into Ephesians”
Psalm 100– Worship Our Shepherd King Psalm 100 We had some technical difficulties, so this recording starts about half way through the sermon. We apologize for that. …Continue Reading about Psalm 100– Worship Our Shepherd King
Liar, Liar Pants on Fire John 8:44 Satan is the father of lies. Don't be deceived by his cunning deceptions! …Continue Reading about Liar, Liar Pants on Fire
Psalm 99– Exalt the LORD as You Bow before Him Psalm 99 While Psalm 98 emphasized our response to God being that of joy, Psalm 99 has us struck with awe over our Lord’s …Continue Reading about Psalm 99– Exalt the LORD as You Bow before Him
Psalm 98– Joy is Our Delight in God Psalm 98 We are called to Praise God our Savior out of our joy. This psalm is marked by joy and rejoicing. What is “joy?” It’s …Continue Reading about Psalm 98– Joy is Our Delight in God
Psalm 97– Praise to Our Exalted God Psalm 97 Our God is the Most Sovereign, Most Awesome, Most High, and Most Holy. We are called to Reject evil and Rejoice in Him. …Continue Reading about Psalm 97– Praise to Our Exalted God
Psalm 96– Praise to Our Glorious God Psalm 96 The Greatness of God is seen in how He is our Mighty Savior, Sovereign King, and Righteous Judge. …Continue Reading about Psalm 96– Praise to Our Glorious God
Psalm 95– Praise to Our Sovereign God Psalm 95 The Greatness of God is seen in His sovereignty over all the world and over us as His people. …Continue Reading about Psalm 95– Praise to Our Sovereign God
What is Your Ministry? Colossians 4:7-18. Ministry is serving. There are no big shots--only servants. We learn here from Paul's fellow workers many ways …Continue Reading about What is Your Ministry?