Mothers’ Day & A Mallard Duck
This Sunday is Mothers’ Day, and I remember a real-life example of motherhood in our outdoor church flower box. That year there was a Mallard Duck keeping five eggs warm
A Jealous God
The Bible says that sometimes God is jealous. Now we know it’s wrong to be jealous if someone gets a new truck or a promotion instead of us. But
Build My House
Most of us would have to look in our Bible’s Table of Contents page to find the Book of Haggai. It would be worth the effort, though, as Haggai’
Happy Easter
One of the strong evidences for the truth of Christianity is fulfilled prophecy. Four specific prophecies come to mind that were fulfilled perfectly in Jesus without any effort of His
Return of the King
I remember going with my family to see my nephew play Little John in a high school production of Robin Hood. It was fun watching teens portray Robin and all
Back in Focus
My wife’s uncle has a nice telescope. When it’s in focus, you can see mountains on the moon and the rings around Saturn. When it’s out of