El Pollo Loco! (The Crazy Chicken)
Last week, my in-laws were out of town, and it fell to my youngest daughter to check on their chickens. As she was feeding, watering, and talking sweetly to her
Fresh Water Baptism
This past Sunday I had the privilege of baptizing three people in the fresh waters of Burt Lake. As a “Baptist” church, of course we have a nice, heated baptistry
Lean on the Lord
Everyone gets tired of standing in one place; that’s why we find things on which to lean. Leaning takes the weight off—the pressure off—it’s a bit
The Lord Is There
I just finished reading through the Old Testament prophet, Ezekiel. As Israel had broken the covenant (and God was bringing judgment), Ezekiel is not always the easiest book to read.
All Day Praise
There’s an old chorus we like to sing at our church: From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same, the name of the LORD
Check Your Joy
We know God wants us to be holy and also to be loving to others (1 Peter 1:16; 1 John 4:7) But do we remember that God wants us to have joy? Not just