Way to go, Graduates! You did it. All those tests and projects are finished. Your hard work and perseverance paid off, and we celebrate your accomplishments with you. Graduation is a big deal because it typically takes a young person 12-13 years to finish school. That’s a good long time to commit to anything.
You’ve got all this energy, and let’s be honest: many times you’d have rather been doing anything else besides algebra or chemistry. But you buckled down and got it done. You had heart. You demonstrated discipline. Maybe it was for your parents or grandparents. Maybe it was for a teacher or a mentor in your life. Maybe it was just for yourself. But you’ve succeeded. Well done!
So now what? You probably stand in one of three categories: 1) you know exactly what you want to do next; 2) you have an idea of what you want to do next; 3) you have no idea what you want to do next. The great news is that, God-willing, you have time on your side.
You can still grow and learn more on the way to becoming all you hope to be. The Bible has some of the finest words you could ever hear at a commencement address. We read, “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1).
As a young adult, it seems everyone wants you to remember something. Remember to text your parents if you’re going to be late. Remember the date you’re supposed to be at college. Remember your toothbrush. Remember to vote. All these are important.
But as you look out toward the future, most importantly, “remember your Creator.” There is a God who made you. He sustains you. He loves you to death. As you begin, stop—and remember.