I haven’t counted them all, but I’m told there are 613 commandments in the Old Testament. 613, covering everything from what to eat and wear to how to build your house and get along with those in your community.
God is holy, and He wants His people to be set apart unto Him. He wants to be considered in every area life. I’m not sure you could remember all 613, but with God, a covenant’s a covenant.
An Old Testament expert once asked Jesus which commandment was most important (Mark 12:28). What should be at the top of the list? And Jesus actually gives Him #1 and #2, which both have to do with love. #1- love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; #2- love your neighbor as yourself.
Loving God with all your “heart, soul, mind, and strength” means loving Him with your entire person. Loving your neighbor is what God does already, so you are reflecting God’s love when you treat someone how you want to be treated. The bad news is, like all the other commandments, we’re going to fail at keeping even these two.
The good news is the gospel. Jesus fulfilled these top two commands (and all 613) when He died in loving obedience to the Father: fully devoting Himself heart, soul, mind, and strength on the cross. Knowing the joy of fellowship with God in heaven, Jesus laid down His life so His “neighbors” could have that same joy with Him (John 17:13).
By faith in Christ we are forgiven for not always loving, and we are given a new heart to start loving like God has loved us (Ephesians 5:1). Now you can love God and your neighbor out of the overflow of God’s love to you. Let’s put that love on display with actions that meet the needs of others.