Adam and Eve didn’t murder anyone. They weren’t human traffickers or arsonists or terrorists. All they did was take and eat fruit from a forbidden tree. Yet this disobedience was the first sin, and the wages of sin is death.
Satan promised they would surely not die. But God had said otherwise. “You can freely eat from every other tree of the Garden of Eden,” God said; “Just not this one; or you will surely die.” And God always tells the truth.
But rather than believing their Creator, Adam and Eve listened to the smooth voice of the Deceiver. They took and ate, and death came. They died spiritually that moment, and though they lived many more years, the cells in their bodies began to die, and complete physical death was sure.
Their sin natures were passed on perpetually to every generation, and all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. All, with the exception of a Child born of a virgin in Bethlehem. Jesus was the sinless Son of God and Son of Man who would reverse sin’s terrible death curse.
Adam and Eve took and ate, yet Jesus gave Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. At the final meal before His death, Jesus said to His disciples, “Take. Eat.” (Matthew 26:26), as the bread and wine represented His dying on the cross for the world.
Like Adam and Eve, Jesus was tempted in every way, yet rather than taking, He gave Himself away. He poured out His blood to cover the sins of all who would put their trust in Him. Through His death, the free gift of eternal life was purchased and offered to all who would believe. God is faithful to His promises. You can always take Him at His Word.
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