Story of Scripture: Abraham’s Covenant (Part 1) As the story of Scripture progresses through Genesis, we see the scene shift from global chaos, sin, and judgment, to single in on …Continue Reading about Story of Scripture: Abraham’s Covenant (Part 1)
Story of Scripture: Noah As the story continues from Adam and Eve’s exile from the Garden, Genesis shows that sin continues to increase as the human …Continue Reading about Story of Scripture: Noah
Story of Scripture: The Fall The Creation narratives of Genesis 1 and 2 end on high notes, with the creation of the first man and woman sending the Lord into a …Continue Reading about Story of Scripture: The Fall
Story of Scripture: Creation This week we began looking at the story of the Bible, jumping into the creation narrative of Genesis 1–2. As we looked at chapter …Continue Reading about Story of Scripture: Creation
Story of Scripture: Introduction We are beginning a new series in Teen Sunday School that will entail working through the story of the Bible. Throughout this …Continue Reading about Story of Scripture: Introduction