Singing competitions are all the rave today. Whether on prime-time television or at local fairgrounds, you can hear talented performers singing at the top of their lungs to impress the judges. Now, you might not be destined to be the next award-winning singer. You may never hold a microphone on stage. You might not even be able to carry a tune in a bucket, but that doesn’t mean you can’t sing. If Jesus is your Savior, you can sing. You should sing. You have something to sing about!
I read this morning from Proverbs 29:6, “a righteous person sings and rejoices.” The singing and rejoicing in this verse has nothing to do with spotlights or ambitions for fame. The singing and rejoicing come from the heart—the heart of one who is righteous before God. Though all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23), God will declare anyone righteous who trusts in His Son (Romans 5:1). Righteousness (being right with God) is never earned but is a free gift to be received (Romans 5:17).
Think of it as being on right terms with God. Though we’ve been on wrong terms with Him because of our sin, He puts us back on right terms with Him for trusting Jesus. Through Christ we are reconciled, brought back, made right with God. Thus, there is no fear of His judgment, only joy in salvation.
Singing is a way to let the joy out. I love hearing our church sing on Sunday mornings. Some may hit the notes clearer than others, but in unity there is a beautiful sound of “singing and making melody to the Lord” from hearts made righteous by grace (Ephesians 5:19). It’s not a competition; it’s a command: “sing to the LORD” (Psalm 96:1.) Sing and rejoice!