This Sunday is Mothers’ Day, and I remember a real-life example of motherhood in our outdoor church flower box. That year there was a Mallard Duck keeping five eggs warm and as dry as she could (it had been raining for two days straight). Mrs. Duck wisely built her nest on the south side of our building which gets the most sun. Although if it gets too hot (can’t imagine that), she’ll act as shade for her brood. Moms sacrifice a lot to give birth and care for their little ones. I’m so thankful for my mom, and how she still cares for her kids even though we’ve been grown now for a while.
Christian mothers pray for their children and teach them about Jesus. We read of a young man in the Bible who came to faith in Christ largely because he had a godly mother and a godly grandmother (2 Timothy 1:5). Ever since his childhood, Timothy was nurtured by the stories and promises of the Bible (2 Timothy 3:15). Combining a godly mom and grandma with hearing the Scriptures ultimately lead to Timothy becoming a Christian, a church leader, and even a missionary.
Moms, you have no idea how much influence you have on your children. I know it’s a huge responsibility, but it’s one God has given you, and He will give you the grace you need. So, everyone, this weekend, be sure to thank God for your mother—you wouldn’t be here without her! If at all possible, talk to you mom yourself; do not just send her a text message! Tell her you love her and appreciate her.
I’m thankful for that little duck on her nest in the rain. What a great reminder from God of the sacrifices mothers make to be our moms. Happy Mothers’ Day!