Since 1924, we’ve been singing a hymn called Make Me A Blessing. The chorus is simple but profound: “Make me a blessing, Make me a blessing. Out of my life may Jesus shine; Make me a blessing, O Savior, I pray. Make me a blessing to someone today.” The hymn writer was not wanting to become well-known or well-liked by being a blessing, but rather that Jesus would shine out of their life.
I don’t know about you, but it’s easy for me to pray for blessings for myself. “Lord, please bless me in my work; on this trip; bless me in this doctor visit; even, bless me to find a parking space close to the store entrance!” But if we want Jesus to shine out of our lives, why not start the day asking God to give us opportunities to be a blessing?
Romans 12:12 says, “Be constant in prayer.” Then immediately, verse 13 says, “Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” I think there is a connection between praying and meeting the needs of others. It might be someone has a financial need, or maybe a project at home they are physically unable to perform. Some folks are too private or bashful to admit they need help, but maybe through prayer God will bring you “into the know” about their need.
It also says, “Seek to show hospitality,” which can meet emotional needs. Everyone wants to feel liked, valued, and welcomed. Maybe you’re already good at inviting people over to your house or out for a meal. But is it always the same people? Let’s pray God would help us think who else may need the encouragement that only hospitality can provide. Pray for opportunities to be a blessing to others!
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