It is with great joy we celebrate our freedom over this July 4th holiday. Northern Michigan is an exceptionally beautiful place to enjoy the festivities of national independence.
I hope you get to eat some fun foods and see the sky lit up with fireworks. I hope you get down by the water at some point. I know there will be horseshoes and bean bags to be tossed. Let’s make sure the kids get plenty of sunblock. And sparklers.
Our country has its share of problems, but maybe this weekend we turn off the news and just enjoy being free. Our independence has been fought for and died for. We give thanks for the heroes who risked and laid down their lives for our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
We bless God for being over us through these past 243 years. All real freedom ultimately comes from Him. In fact, our liberty as Americans should remind us of the gospel of Christ. The Bible says we all find ourselves under a cruel dictator (Romans 5). We may think, “wait; this is July 4th. We’re all free.” But Jesus said, “everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin” (John 8:34).
Our personal failures seem constant, and we feel constantly guilty. We try to amend our ways, but every day, here comes Sin yet again. But there is good news. Jesus brings the offer of freedom: eternal freedom for our souls.
Jesus not only told us the truth, He is the Truth (John 14:6). He died to break sin’s chains and consequences. He rose again with life and liberty for all who believe. No army–no matter how great—can ever enslave our hearts to evil. “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).