Mark 4:21-34 “Proverbs & Parables of the Kingdom” Mark 4:21-34 Jesus is gradually revealing truths about His coming kingdom, along with the central truth that He is the King. …Continue Reading about Mark 4:21-34 “Proverbs & Parables of the Kingdom”
Mark 4:1-20 “The Parable of the Sower” Mark 4:1-20 Jesus is scattering the seeds of His message on the hearts of people (see Mark 1:15). They will either trust in Him as …Continue Reading about Mark 4:1-20 “The Parable of the Sower”
Mark 3:20-35 “Being Part of the Family of God” Mark 3:20-35 Jesus' earthly family tries to interrupt His ministry at the beginning and ending of this passage. In the middle, …Continue Reading about Mark 3:20-35 “Being Part of the Family of God”
“Faith on Trial” Examining the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. …Continue Reading about “Faith on Trial”
Matthew 20:17-19 “When the First Was Last and Became First Again” Matthew 20:17-19 Jesus was the FIRST, (preeminent Son of God and Son of Man). In His death He became like the last, was treated …Continue Reading about Matthew 20:17-19 “When the First Was Last and Became First Again”
Zechariah 3 “Only God Can Take Away Your Sin” Zechariah 3. A study of Zechariah's vision of God removing sin and it's stains, and how this vision relates to Christ and …Continue Reading about Zechariah 3 “Only God Can Take Away Your Sin”
Mark 3:7-19 “The Mighty Messiah Appoints Ordinary Men” Mark 3:7-19 We see more of the power of Jesus Messiah (vv. 7-12), and take a look at the 12 apostles He appointed. …Continue Reading about Mark 3:7-19 “The Mighty Messiah Appoints Ordinary Men”
Mark 3:1-6 “Unstoppable Heavenly Power” Mark 3:1-6 Healing on the Sabbath?! No work at all for the Lord of all. …Continue Reading about Mark 3:1-6 “Unstoppable Heavenly Power”
Mark 2:18-28 “Where Jesus is Lord” Mark 2:18-28 …Continue Reading about Mark 2:18-28 “Where Jesus is Lord”
Mark 2:13-17 “Salvation is for Sinners” Mark 2:13-17 This Man receives sinners, and eats with them. Amen!! …Continue Reading about Mark 2:13-17 “Salvation is for Sinners”