Mark 11:27-33 “Questioning Jesus’ Authority” Mark 11:27-33 When the religious authorities question Jesus' authority, He answers them with a question of His own. …Continue Reading about Mark 11:27-33 “Questioning Jesus’ Authority”
Mark 11:20-25 “Faith for Forgiveness” Mark 11:20-25 Have faith in God and mountains will move. The mountain you may need faith to move might be granting forgiveness. …Continue Reading about Mark 11:20-25 “Faith for Forgiveness”
Mark 11:12-19 “All Leaves But No Fruit” Mark 11:12-19 The story of Jesus' cursing the fruitless fig tree makes more sense when you keep it connected to the next event of …Continue Reading about Mark 11:12-19 “All Leaves But No Fruit”
Mark 11:1-11 “Here Comes Your King” Mark 11:1-11 The shouts of praise at Jesus' Triumphal Entry are a prelude to the worship we will give Him in eternity. Riding …Continue Reading about Mark 11:1-11 “Here Comes Your King”
Mark 11:1-11 “Who Is This Jesus Riding on a Donkey?” Mark 11:1-11 A look back to remember what we've learned about Jesus in Mark 1-10. Also a quick study of Zech. 9:9, the prophecy …Continue Reading about Mark 11:1-11 “Who Is This Jesus Riding on a Donkey?”
2 Peter 1:4 “Claiming Great & Precious Promises in the New Year” 2 Peter 1:1-4 Great verses of encouragement as we close out 2017 and begin a New Year. …Continue Reading about 2 Peter 1:4 “Claiming Great & Precious Promises in the New Year”
Matthew 1 “Christmas Names” Matthew 1 gives us great insight into the first Christmas story. …Continue Reading about Matthew 1 “Christmas Names”
Mark 10:32-45 “Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?” Mark 10:32-45 Jesus came to give His life as a ransom payment. Let us remember the true meaning of Christmas: God's Gift to us! …Continue Reading about Mark 10:32-45 “Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?”
Mark 10:13-31 “Child-like Faith vs. the Rich Young Ruler” Mark 10:13-31. We must let go of everything else we're trusting in and trust in Jesus alone. …Continue Reading about Mark 10:13-31 “Child-like Faith vs. the Rich Young Ruler”
“A Thanksgiving Message” So thankful for Deacon Ron Griffin, delivering this encouraging message. …Continue Reading about “A Thanksgiving Message”