Romans 3:27-4:3 “You Can Only Be Right With God Thru Faith” Romans 3:27-4:3 I. It's not about what you've done, but Who you're trusting in. II. It's not about who you are, but Who you're …Continue Reading about Romans 3:27-4:3 “You Can Only Be Right With God Thru Faith”
Romans 3:21-26 “All Have Sinned, But All We Need Is Jesus” Romans 3:21-26 From 1:18 to 3:20 Paul has painted the very dark picture showing how absolutely everyone is a sinner. The verdict …Continue Reading about Romans 3:21-26 “All Have Sinned, But All We Need Is Jesus”
Romans 3:9-20 “Summoned to God’s Courtroom” Romans 3:9-20 All have sinned. When the evidence is presented, no one in the world can contest the verdict. God's grace through …Continue Reading about Romans 3:9-20 “Summoned to God’s Courtroom”
Romans 3:1-8 “Let God be True . . .” Romans 3:1-8 The Jewish people had the great privilege of receiving God's Word and being guardians of the Scriptures. Sadly, many …Continue Reading about Romans 3:1-8 “Let God be True . . .”
Romans 2:12-29 “Salvation is a Matter of the Heart” Romans 2:12-29 There is no special status that you can bring to God's courtroom to earn a pardon from Him. It's not being …Continue Reading about Romans 2:12-29 “Salvation is a Matter of the Heart”
Romans 2:1-11 “The Hope For Hypocrites” Romans 2:1-11 The kindness of God is meant to lead us to repentance. Rather than judging others for their sin that we think is …Continue Reading about Romans 2:1-11 “The Hope For Hypocrites”
Romans 1:18-32 “Why We Need the Gospel” Romans 1:18-32 Paul gets very specific as to why we need the good news of salvation found in Christ. We need God's righteousness …Continue Reading about Romans 1:18-32 “Why We Need the Gospel”
Romans 1:17 “The Righteousness of God” Romans 1:17 The Gospel reveals God's righteousness as we see God judging our sins in Jesus and making us right with Him when we …Continue Reading about Romans 1:17 “The Righteousness of God”
Romans 1:15-16 “The Gospel is the Power of God” Romans 1:15-16 The good news of Christ's saving work is so powerful that we too should be eager and unashamed to proclaim the …Continue Reading about Romans 1:15-16 “The Gospel is the Power of God”
Romans 1:6-14 “The Mercies and Ministry of the Gospel” Romans 1:6-14 The riches of God's mercies in the gospel should fill us up to overflowing in ministry to others. …Continue Reading about Romans 1:6-14 “The Mercies and Ministry of the Gospel”