Mark 7:1-23 “It’s What’s Inside that Counts” Mark 7:1-23 No amount of hand washing can cleanse a sinful heart. We can have the outside all nice and clean looking, but God …Continue Reading about Mark 7:1-23 “It’s What’s Inside that Counts”
1 Peter 5:6-14 “The God of All Grace” 1 Peter 5:6-14 …Continue Reading about 1 Peter 5:6-14 “The God of All Grace”
Mark 6:45-56 “Walking On Water: The Glory of God in Jesus” Mark 6:45-56 Trust Jesus who is Sovereign over Sea and Sickness. …Continue Reading about Mark 6:45-56 “Walking On Water: The Glory of God in Jesus”
1 Peter 4:7-19 “Living for God’s Glory in Light of Christ’s Return” 1 Peter 4:7-19 …Continue Reading about 1 Peter 4:7-19 “Living for God’s Glory in Light of Christ’s Return”
Mark 6:30-44 “Feeding 5000” (Is Jesus Your Shepherd?) Mark 6:30-44 The feeding of the 5,000 occurs in all four Gospels. Jesus has compassion on the multitude because they were like …Continue Reading about Mark 6:30-44 “Feeding 5000” (Is Jesus Your Shepherd?)
1 Peter 3:8-4:6 “Christ Won His (And Our) Victory through Suffering” 1 Peter 3:8-4:6 Pastor Matt Cumberland tackles some difficult verses here, but helps us gain a clearer view of the gospel. …Continue Reading about 1 Peter 3:8-4:6 “Christ Won His (And Our) Victory through Suffering”
Mark 6:14-29 “John the Baptist: A Saint Suffers Like His Savior” Mark 6:14-29 …Continue Reading about Mark 6:14-29 “John the Baptist: A Saint Suffers Like His Savior”
Mark 6:7-13 “Follow Him. Trust Him. Serve Him.” Mark 6:7-13 Jesus sends out His disciples in teams of two to preach and minister in His name. …Continue Reading about Mark 6:7-13 “Follow Him. Trust Him. Serve Him.”
Mark 6:1-6 “When Jesus Was Amazed” Mark 6:1-6 Those in Jesus' hometown couldn't accept Him as being more than they wanted Him to be. "He marveled because of their …Continue Reading about Mark 6:1-6 “When Jesus Was Amazed”
1 Peter 3:1-7 “A Grace Filled Home” 1 Peter 3:1-7 …Continue Reading about 1 Peter 3:1-7 “A Grace Filled Home”