Acts 4:1-12 Jesus is the Cornerstone for the church and for our lives. …
How Walking & Leaping & Praising God Confirms the Gospel
Acts 3:1-26 A lame man is healed by faith in the name of Jesus Christ. Peter explains the power of the risen Christ is intended to …
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The Four Pillars of the First Church
Acts 2:41-47 A look at the four essential elements of the first church: the Bible, sacrificial sharing, the Lord's Table, and …
The Right Response to the Gospel
Acts 2:37-41 After the crowd heard the message of Christ, Peter answers their heartfelt question: "Brothers, what must we do?" …
Jesus is Master and Messiah
Acts 2:29-36 This Holy Spirit-inspired gospel message springs from Peter’s OT quotation in v. 21: “everyone who calls upon the …
Jesus: Confirmed, Condemned, Conqueror
Acts 2:22-28 You would only call on someone to save you if you believed they were able to do it. That’s Peter’s point. God has …
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The Day of the Lord
Acts 2:14-21 Not all the signs spoken of by Joel have come to pass here in Acts 2, but Peter is clear, God is beginning to …
The Dawn of a New Era
Acts 2:1-13 The disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. The miraculous events of Acts 2 mark the …
The Word and the Heart-Knower
Acts 1:15-26 The God who gave us His Word also knows our hearts. …
Becoming a Devoted Follower of Christ
Acts 1:12-14 Jesus not only saves you, but He calls you to follow Him in obedience and prayer. …
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