The Arrival of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-13) …Continue Reading about The Arrival of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-13)
The Essentials of the Early Church (Acts 1:12-26) …Continue Reading about The Essentials of the Early Church (Acts 1:12-26)
The Commission and Ascension of Jesus (Acts 1:6-11) …Continue Reading about The Commission and Ascension of Jesus (Acts 1:6-11)
Intro to Acts: The Gospel and the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:1-5) …Continue Reading about Intro to Acts: The Gospel and the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:1-5)
Easter Sunday (Acts 4:33) Acts 4:33 …Continue Reading about Easter Sunday (Acts 4:33)
Priorities of the Early Church (Acts 2:42-47) Acts 2:42-47 …Continue Reading about Priorities of the Early Church (Acts 2:42-47)
Acts 10 “From Law to Grace” Acts 10 God offers the grace of salvation to all who believe. No longer must we live under the Old Testament Law, but under God's …Continue Reading about Acts 10 “From Law to Grace”
A Grace-filled Giving Church Acts 4:32-37 God's grace filled the first church, enabling them to share their possessions with each other and the gospel with …Continue Reading about A Grace-filled Giving Church
Praying for Boldness Acts 4:23-31 “All their preaching and teaching must henceforth be done in open violation of the highest legal power and authority …Continue Reading about Praying for Boldness
They Had Been With Jesus Acts 4:13-22 Untrained and unskilled, the boldness and power of the disciples could not be denied, so the authorities threatened …Continue Reading about They Had Been With Jesus