A friend told me he’d just received some good news: he was getting a raise and extra vacation time at work. I also heard good news about two other friends who are expecting new babies this winter. Everyone loves good news.
As Christians, we love the good news of the gospel. The Bible writer of Mark’s Gospel puts pen to paper to say: “Extra! Extra! Read all about God’s good news!” Here are four essential elements from Mark about Jesus and this incredible announcement from the Lord.
First, Good News! The King has come! When Jesus begins His ministry, we see Him “proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand’” (Mark 1:14-15). The kingdom of God had come near because the King was now on earth. God’s kingdom is wherever He is ruling, and here was Jesus, forgiving sins and healing sickness (2:5, 11-12), calming a storm (4:35), feeding thousands with a single lunch (6:38-44), shining with the glory of God (9:2), declared to be ‘the Christ,’ the Messiah (8:29), and ‘the Son of God’ (1:1; 15:39).
Second, Good News! The King sacrificed Himself for your rescue! Though He was King, Jesus “came . . . to give His life as a ransom for many” (10:45).
Third, though He died on a cross, Good News! The King is alive again forever more! As the angel announced at Jesus’ empty tomb: “He has risen” (16:6-7)!
Fourth, Good News! The King rescues all who trust in Him! This takes us back to the first verse we saw, where King Jesus proclaimed, “repent and believe in the gospel” (1:15)! The “gospel” is the official announcement of “good news” about Jesus; or as we’d say today: best news ever!