Spiritual Disciplines: Silence and Solitude After a few weeks off from our Spiritual Disciplines series, we picked back up this week with the disciplines of Silence and …Continue Reading about Spiritual Disciplines: Silence and Solitude
Story of Scripture: Abraham’s Covenant (Part 2) After taking a break for a couple weeks for Easter, we picked back up in our Story of Scripture series, continuing in the events …Continue Reading about Story of Scripture: Abraham’s Covenant (Part 2)
The Resurrection and (Our) New Life For Easter Sunday, we looked at 2 Corinthians 5:14–18, which speaks of the importance of the Resurrection of Jesus for the life of …Continue Reading about The Resurrection and (Our) New Life
Palm Sunday: The Upside-down Kingdom In honor of Palm Sunday, we took a break from our Story of Scripture series to discuss the Triumphal Entry and other events of …Continue Reading about Palm Sunday: The Upside-down Kingdom
“Rest for Your Souls” In honor of spring break, we also took a small break from our Spiritual Disciplines study. This week, we looked at a few verses in …Continue Reading about “Rest for Your Souls”
Story of Scripture: Abraham’s Covenant (Part 1) As the story of Scripture progresses through Genesis, we see the scene shift from global chaos, sin, and judgment, to single in on …Continue Reading about Story of Scripture: Abraham’s Covenant (Part 1)
Spiritual Disciplines: Fasting This week in our Spiritual Disciplines study, we talked about Fasting, a discipline which is difficult to do and often ignored. …Continue Reading about Spiritual Disciplines: Fasting
Story of Scripture: Noah As the story continues from Adam and Eve’s exile from the Garden, Genesis shows that sin continues to increase as the human …Continue Reading about Story of Scripture: Noah