Worship is a term we throw around quite often today. People are said to worship celebrities. Or football. Or the almighty dollar. …
God Saved The Queen
Early Monday morning, my wife and I caught a little bit of the funeral for Queen Elizabeth II. Her Majesty was laid to rest after …
The Walk
Monday morning, I decided it would be good exercise for me to walk to my office at the church (also because I had left my car …
Taste and See
By accident, I just bit into the top of a rotting apple. I eat an apple almost every weekday, and this has never happened before. …
5 R’s In Our Relationship to the Bible
Before text messages and emails we used to write letters. I think back to the long summers when my wife and I were dating, and how …
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The Good Book
Read any good books lately? When I was a kid, my uncle gave me a box of books by Louis L’Amour. I spent many a summer afternoon …
Best News Ever
A friend told me he’d just received some good news: he was getting a raise and extra vacation time at work. I also heard good news …