“God’s Promises Are Guaranteed” (Genesis 15:7-20) …Continue Reading about “God’s Promises Are Guaranteed” (Genesis 15:7-20)
“Faith and the Gift of Righteousness” (Genesis 15:1-6) …Continue Reading about “Faith and the Gift of Righteousness” (Genesis 15:1-6)
“What Abram Treasured Most” (Genesis 14:1-24) …Continue Reading about “What Abram Treasured Most” (Genesis 14:1-24)
A Money Minute It seems everything is more expensive today: from gas to groceries to our utilities, everything keeps going up. Except for our …Continue Reading about A Money Minute
“Responses to Grace” (Genesis 13:1-18) …Continue Reading about “Responses to Grace” (Genesis 13:1-18)
Grace Gives People are more important than things. The patriarch Abraham demonstrated this when he gave his nephew first choice of the pasture …Continue Reading about Grace Gives
“God is Faithful to His People–No Matter What” (Genesis 12:10-20) …Continue Reading about “God is Faithful to His People–No Matter What” (Genesis 12:10-20)
Unmasking the Truth Last week I caught my second round of Covid-19. Thankfully, it was a very mild case. Still, I wanted to try to keep it to myself …Continue Reading about Unmasking the Truth
Follow What is in the way of you following the Lord? When God called Abraham to leave his old life and follow Him to the Promised Land …Continue Reading about Follow
“God is Faithful to His Promises” (Genesis 11:27-12:3) …Continue Reading about “God is Faithful to His Promises” (Genesis 11:27-12:3)