Before text messages and emails we used to write letters. I think back to the long summers when my wife and I were dating, and how I checked the mailbox every day for an envelope addressed to me in her handwriting. Her letters were often several pages long, and I read and reread every word. Those words on the page represented her thoughts and feelings towards me, which in return, helped grow my love for her. (Mushy, mushy—I know!)
From His divine love, God has written the Bible to us. His words reveal His power, His holiness, His grace, and His love toward us. So, what should be our response to God’s Word? First, read it. There are blessings promised for those who read or listen to the Bible (Revelation 1:3). You can better understand the saving gospel of Christ when you read Scripture (Ephesians 3:3-5).
Second, remember it. That is, memorize your favorite verses. Hide them in your heart (Psalm 119:11). That way, even if you don’t have a Bible handy, you can third, review it. What you’ve memorized you can meditate on; you can mull it over. Like a cow with her cud, we can really chew on God’s Word to get the most out of it—and that helps our faith roots to go down deep (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1).
Then fourth, we respond to the truths from God’s Book by doing what He says. We’re not to be just hearers or readers, but “doers” of the Word (James 1:22).
Finally, the Bible will guide you and strengthen you as you learn to rely on it. That’s because, “All Scripture is breathed out by God” (2 Timothy 3:16). May God grow your love for His Word that you might grow even more in your love for Him.